cryptkeeper q

Daniel Mons daniel.mons at
Sat Mar 15 10:30:36 UTC 2008

James Takac wrote:
> Hi Guys
> Just wondering if there's a way to set the same encryption key on a number of 
> computers for cryptkeeper. I ask this cuz I am trying to write a book as it 
> were and keeping it encrypted on a flash drive and it would be great to be 
> able to move from computer to computer to work on it as I need.
> James

Hi James,

I encrypt my flash drive with TrueCrypt:

I've not used CryptKeeper/EncFS before, and nor do I like suggesting to 
people to migrate willy nilly to other software as a quick-fix to their 
problems, but perhaps TrueCrypt might suit your needs a little better. 
You'll still need to install the base application on whatever machine 
you are working on, but it is cross platform, free software (non-GPL and 
with a slightly silly license, but still considered free by most) and is 
pretty simple to use via a single binary that accommodates both command 
line and GUI users.

Security wise, it is gaining a lot of attention.  There are a few USB 
flashdrive devices on the market now with TrueCrypt built on to a 
read-only portion of the key as their defacto security measures:;1547877893;pp;3;fp;4194304;fpid;1


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