dvd writer question

Raj Kiran Grandhi grajkiran at gmail.com
Sun Mar 16 01:15:03 UTC 2008

Zatlite Minthar wrote:
> Hi,
> What is the lowest spec. machine you could install a dvd writer on?
> Since my p4 machine developed a problem with it's motherboard, I've been 
> using my celeron 400MHz machine which has 256MB RAM and xubuntu 
> installed. I've salvaged parts of my P4 machine like the hard drive and 
> installed them on my older machine.
> I haven't tried moving the dvd writer across because I'm not sure if the 
> old machine can write dvd with that much processing power and ram.

I suppose you can use it without any problem provided you write it at a 
somewhat reduced speed. I would say, go ahead and move the dvd writer 
over. The worst that can happen is that you might get some error and an 
unusable dvd.

> Has anyone tried dvd writing on a low spec machine like mine? Would it work?

You can be the first :) Try writing a dvd and see if you face any problems.

> Zatilte
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Raj Kiran Grandhi
At the source of every error which is blamed on the computer, you will 
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