cant fix Hardy libc breakage

Paul S paulatgm at
Fri Mar 14 14:12:51 UTC 2008

I'm trying to fix the libc6 breakage on hardy, following the thread and 
bug, but get this error:

paul :~$ sudo chroot /media/sda9 /bin/bash
root :/# pwd
root :/# ls
bin   cdrom  diverted  home    initrd.img      keys 
libc6_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb  media  opt   root  srv  tmp  var 
boot  dev    etc       initrd  initrd.img.old  lib   lost+found 
           mnt    proc  sbin  sys  usr  vmlinuz
root :/# dpkg -i libc6_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb
dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 46604 
package `liblink-grammar4':
  field name `

It seems like something else is borked in my system.  Any tips?

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