Monitor frequency problem

Gerald Dachs ubuntu at
Fri Mar 14 09:11:28 UTC 2008

Quoting Ed Greshko <Ed.Greshko at>:

> Gerald Dachs wrote:
>> Quoting Roberto de Sousa <r_de_sousa at>:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have Acer Travelmate c110 running on ubuntu gutsy. i was wondering
>>>  if someone could help me on how to configure this tablet pc for
>>> touchscreen. I found the link
>>> but i am bit confuse on how to do it.
>>> any idea please?
>> What makes you think that your touchscreen doesn't work because of a
>> "Monitor frequency problem"?
> He doesn't.
> He simply hijacked a thread.

I know, but I wanted to hear it from him. ;)


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