squid guard problem

Joris Dobbelsteen Joris at familiedobbelsteen.nl
Tue Mar 11 10:53:00 UTC 2008

>-----Original Message-----
>From: ubuntu-users-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com 
>[mailto:ubuntu-users-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of 
>Luca Ferrari
>Sent: Monday, 10 March 2008 17:57
>To: Ubuntu user technical support,not for general discussions
>Subject: squid guard problem
>I've installed squidguard on my ubuntu 7.1 server and it is 
>working fine. The only problem I've got is for the redirect of 
>the default acl, that is pointing to a site (for example 
>www.google.com) with images: I cannot see the images (I 
>suspect it is because the images come from google.com and the 
>browser is asking them to a different site).

Check your logs. Squid gives very decent output that you can use to
verify your assumption.

>Is there a way to 
>solve the problem so that the redirect is full achieved?

I don't really understand what you are trying to do...

- Joris

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