text editor for web development

Owen Townend owen.townend at gmail.com
Sun Mar 9 10:32:44 UTC 2008

On 3/9/08, Gabriel Dragffy <gabe at dragffy.com> wrote:
> Hi there
> I am probably going to be switching from an Apple system to Ubuntu. On
> Apple I use TextMate, it's unbeatable. Obviously won't work on Ubuntu.
> So I am asking for suggestions of other great text editors. I don't mind
> KDE or Gnome,  but I am not going to consider vi or emacs. Does anyone
> here use a text editor for serious web development?
> I'll be coding in xhtml, css, php, and javascript, so is there something
> that has syntax highlighting and even word completion for these?
> Many thanks
> Gabe
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  If vi/vim/gvim are out then the default Ubuntu text editor gedit is
actually quite good having plenty of add on modules for syntax highlighting
  If you're looking for a more complete IDE then there is Eclipse
based Aptana which looks pretty good and one of my collegues swears by. It's
a java app, so you can use it in linux/windows/mac.

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