aftermath of an ubuntu installation

Nils Kassube kassube at
Tue Mar 4 18:16:15 UTC 2008

Donny George wrote:
> theres a dsl modem. company name frtizbox, wlan, version 2
> i really dont have a clue about the id, pwd coz wen i moved to this
> place, the guy next door just handed me the end of a lan cable and i
> plugged it in and it worked,

OK, if you only got the cable and it worked, the fritzbox works as a 
router and should provide an IP configuration via DHCP. Then there is no 
need to configure DSL with pppoeconf or similar programs. Please try to 
get a DHCP lease with the command

sudo dhclient3 eth0

in a terminal. If you get a lease, the output of "ifconfig eth0" should 
show something like

 inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

below the line with the harware address. If that worked, you should have 
your internet running. If it doesn't work you could try to find out 
details about your internet setup in Windows. Probably you know how to do 
that better than me :)


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