Ubuntu - Rythym Box issue

Default User xyzzyx at sbcglobal.net
Tue Mar 4 18:30:59 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-03-04 at 10:50 -0500, Kim Briggs wrote:
> On 3/3/08, Tom <lau at woh.rr.com> wrote:
> > Hello to All:
> >
> >  I've installed Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy and have tried Rythym box with some
> >  disappointing results.  Many of the radio stations that I try to import
> >  end up not playing w/ message "proper plug in not installed".  What do
> >  I need to do to make R-Box more functional, or, do I need to replace it
> >  w/ some other player w/ better plug-ins?
> >
> >  Thanks for your inputs,
> >
> >  Tom Lau
> Hi Tom,
> I've been using Ubuntu for over 5 years and have never gotten the
> default application Rhythm Box to play streaming .pls files.  This is
> AFTER I have confirmed it can play static mp3 files.  It is mind
> boggling how this is the default app.
> My solution is to use XMMS for this task:  sudo apt-get xmms xmms-skins
> You can change the program used for .pls in Firefox in
> Preferences...Content Tab...File Types section.  The location of XMMS
> is /usr/bin/xmms
> HTH,
> http://kimbriggs.com

FWIW, I also have never been able to get Rhythmbox to play internet
radio stations.  So when installing Ubuntu one of the first things I do
is uninstall Rhythmbox and install xmms, which plays Internet radio
fine, no setup or tinkering needed.  

Perhaps xmms should be the default audio player for Ubuntu, instead of

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