After update Thunderbird crashs constantly

Wade Smart wade at
Sat Mar 1 23:48:51 UTC 2008

Peter l Jakobi wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 01, 2008 at 04:17:05PM -0700, Karl Larsen wrote:
>> Wade Smart wrote:
>>> Did anyone notice that after the Thunderbird update today that 
>>> Thunderbird is now crashing constantly? Ok, crashing is not the word. 
>>> When I send a email it just disappears - the entire app. When I check 
>>> mail, move mail to any folder, try to add a new calendar event - it just 
>>> goes away.
> Karl wrote:
>> always. If you haven't rebooted since the update do that right now.
> Karl, you shouldn't need to reboot due to updates, unless you've changed
> the kernel and want to use the newly installed one immediately.
> Everything else should at most require a start/stop script or login/logout
> when X / gdm / ... has been updates. Of course, a reboot subsumes all that.
> To Wade: No thunderbird probs with the update on 64bit.
> (though I'm maybe 40 days late with an kernel-upgrade-related reboot -
> not  much  of  a  concern,  as  this  box  is  neither  firewall   nor
> media-"endangered").

03012008 1748 GMT-6

I hardly ever reboot but I went ahead and did it and so far - no more 


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