Grub error on update

Frank McCormick fmccormick at
Sun Jun 29 19:27:02 UTC 2008

On Sun, 29 Jun 2008 20:00:16 +0200
Nils Kassube <kassube at> wrote:

> Frank McCormick wrote:
> >      It's Gutsy and has been used since I updated it was released.
> >      I had to change menu.lst after the last update as the machine
> > wouldn't boot because the old menu.lst referred to root as hda3 when
> > Ubuntu wanted sda3 ( it's an IDE drive ).
> > This is the current menu.lst.
> > The first items are for my Debian Sid system.
> Is this the file /boot/grub/menu.lst of your Ubuntu installation or
> is it from your Debian installation? There is a huge difference
> because if it is from your Debian installation, the update-grub
> script for Ubuntu shouldn't touch it at all. It looks like it isn't
> from Ubuntu Gutsy because otherwise the kernel used in the automagic
> kernel list would be 2.6.22-* not 2.6.24-*. If it is from Debian, you
> would have to manage the Ubuntu part manually, and your problem
> doesn't come from Ubuntu but from Debian because the Ubuntu script
> wouldn't see your menu.lst.

   In thinking about's possible the lst came from the wrong
partition. But I know the Ubuntu lst did refer to hda3, not sda3. As I
said to Karl both lsts (the one in the Debian partition and the one in
Gutsy now both refer to the Gutsy partition via its UUID. Wish there
were a simpler way than keeping the two menus synchronized!!


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