USB flashdrive not accessible under Ubuntu Hardy inside Virtualbox

Steven Davies-Morris sdavmor at
Sun Jun 29 18:34:25 UTC 2008

I'm running 64bit Ubuntu (Hardy Heron 8.04) and Vbox 1.6.2. I
am running the latest kernel as of a few days ago. I plug in my
flashdrive which is a 2gb Adata. It pops up immediately and is
both readable and writeable under the native host O/S. I just
tested in again before posting to be sure that it's working when
accessed via *nix. In fact everything works exactly as I would
expect at the O/S level.

But then I go to start Vbox, running Windows XP with SVCPK 2. I
have a USB 2.0 filter in place that was configured by autodetect
in the Vbox settings. It assigned everything except a port (which
is blank). I proceed to start up WInXP, but when it's running I
check "devices" and the USB flashdrive appears there, but it is

So what have I done wrong, or what step have I missed?

I'm posting this to both the Vbox and the UBuntu tech lists.
Cheers, and thanks in advance for all the fish,
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