Can't Burn audio

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Sat Jun 28 13:04:28 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-06-28 at 07:47 -0500, S.. Gordon von Miller wrote:
> Can't burn audio cd in ubuntu 8.04.

Which program do you use? The default in 8.04 is Brasero, in menu
Applications > Sound & Video. When you start it, a screen should come up
with 4 buttons, one of which lets you create an audio CD. Then you add
the sound files by one of various means, e.g., dragging them from
Brasero's file tree, or dragging them from a file manager window.

For more detailed help you have to describe more details of what you
tried and what the results were, along with the text of any error
messages that may have been displayed.

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