Updates seem to make things worse, not better

Pat Brown pat.mysterywriter at gmail.com
Sat Jun 28 07:04:40 UTC 2008

Carl Friis-Hansen wrote:
> Pat Brown wrote:
>> I tend to install all the available updates as they come up through my 
>> update manager. I used to be able to watch YouTube videos, now I can't. 
>> And more often than ever when I am surfing to any kind of web site my 
>> laptop will freeze. I can use Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to get out and log back 
>> in, but the only thing that stays active is my network connection, 
>> everything else crashes, and if I haven't saved my work I often lose it 
>> too. I've gotten into the habit of saving often, but it's still a royal 
>> pain that the patches not only aren't helping my system's stability, but 
>> seem to be making it worse. I don't even bother trying to watch YouTube 
>> anymore. I get nothing but blank screens and system freezes.
> I have no qualified suggestions or diagnose. However, I have a hunch 
> that it is not an update problem, but rather a network problem. It would 
> interest me to know if you use wireless with a PCI card. Also, I assume 
> you are talking 8.04?
I haven't been able to get the wireless network end to work. The cards 
is recognized and can see the wireless router, but the router can't seem 
to get past the modem. I'm using a LAN cable to get directly to the 
modem. Yes, it's 8.04 LTS which I installed shortly after it was released.

Pat Brown
pat.mysterywriter at gmail.com

L.A. Heat, the first Chris and David mystery

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