Updates seem to make things worse, not better

Pat Brown pat.mysterywriter at gmail.com
Fri Jun 27 21:46:57 UTC 2008

I tend to install all the available updates as they come up through my 
update manager. I used to be able to watch YouTube videos, now I can't. 
And more often than ever when I am surfing to any kind of web site my 
laptop will freeze. I can use Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to get out and log back 
in, but the only thing that stays active is my network connection, 
everything else crashes, and if I haven't saved my work I often lose it 
too. I've gotten into the habit of saving often, but it's still a royal 
pain that the patches not only aren't helping my system's stability, but 
seem to be making it worse. I don't even bother trying to watch YouTube 
anymore. I get nothing but blank screens and system freezes.


Pat Brown
pat.mysterywriter at gmail.com

L.A. Heat, the first Chris and David mystery

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