Evolution doesn't recognize ICS mail-attachments

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jun 27 16:02:39 UTC 2008

On 06/27/2008 08:09 AM, Christian Menzel wrote:
> Hello list!
> I just switched to Hardy from Fedora 8.
> So far I'm quite happy with Ubuntu, but there is one thing that I miss.
> The Evolution in Fedora can handle ICS calendar attachments and shows
> a dialog in which you can accept or decline an invitation.
> Evolution in Hardy just shows the text of the invitation but does not
> even show there is an ICS attachment.
> At the moment I save the message and open it with Mutt to save the
> attachment which I then import into Evolution.
> Is the an additional plugin I have to install or is this a known
> behavior of Evolution in Ubuntu?
> Regards
> Chris


You might find these helpful:

Prefer Plain Text
View mail messages as plain text, even if they contain HTML content.
is experimental and has been known to cause issues with text/calendar
.ics - Chandana (on this list) recommended turning it off]

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