Ubuntu Server 8: VPN Client for Microsoft VPN?

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jun 27 04:52:55 UTC 2008

On 06/26/2008 09:13 PM, Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> On Jun 26, 2008, at 11:39 PM, Robert Dailey wrote:
>> I'm looking for a way to connect to a Microsoft hosted VPN server  
>> from my Ubuntu Server operating system. I believe this is a PPTP  
>> VPN. What package do I need to install for this? Thanks.
> Hi Robert,
> There's a good deal of information here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNClient
>   I can't vouch for its reliability, since I haven't tried the  
> instructions myself. But it should at least get you started on the  
> right track.

Might I suggest that if you are planning to do server-to-server VPN's
that you will be better off in the long run buying routers that do all
of the VPN in hardware?  I run an monitor multiple VPN's from my home
office to my customer sites, and I gave up on software VPN's a long time
ago. Not only to they add considerable overhead to the machine(s), but
there are as many flavors of VPN software as there are linux variations.
IMO, running software VPN's are akin to trying to run WinModems in linux
- it can certainty be done, but in many cases it will fail.

I use older model Cisco/Linksys BEFVP41's which at the time ran about
$110 USD each - you can easily find newer models/versions/brands (look
for the 'VP' in the model). Set the VPN up in the router, it does the
encryption in the hardware, and off you go. I have had as many as 20 VPN
tunnels running across standard DSL links on my router to the others.
  Obviously I was only using it to monitor etc., so the bandwidth didn't
much matter, but there was no need to configure _any_ VPN software on
either end (other than in the routers).

Even if the other end doesn't have the same router, you can still (in
most cases) configure your side to match.

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