Problems exporting R graphs with Ubuntu

Chris Mohler cr33dog at
Thu Jun 26 23:38:11 UTC 2008

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 6:02 PM, Sam Albers <tonightsthenight at> wrote:
> I have trying to figure this out all day so hopefully the answer isn't too
> obvious. I am creating graphs in the statistical program R. The program
> allows me to export graphs into PNG files as well as a bunch of file
> formats. However, when I do this an icon appears that is 0kb in size and has
> a orange clock on the bottom of the icon. When I attempt to open the PNG
> file i receive a "Could not load image 'Compare.png'." message. I have the
> libpng12-0 package installed and I have been successful at using PNG files
> on other occasions. I am also tried this with all the other file formats
> available but to no avail. I am not sure what the orange clock means and am
> wondering if it is a clue to solving my problem. I feel like this is a
> Ubuntu issue rather than an R issue but if I am wrong I apologize. Thanks!

Sounds like R is producing empty files.  What command are you using to
make the file?


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