How do I recommend a package be added to Ubuntu?

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Jun 26 02:35:49 UTC 2008

On 06/25/2008 05:30 PM, Karl Auer wrote:
> Hi there.
> Ubuntu has a package in it called tspc. This is a TSP client for talking
> to (e.g.) Hexago tunnel brokers to provide IPv6 connectivity.
> tspc is very old and is no longer being maintained. It has long since
> been superseded by the gw6c program. However, I see that tspc is still
> in Hardy and is intended for Intrepid!
> What is the correct way to inform the distro people about this?
> Regards, K.
To the right is the package maintainer & links to file a bug report -
file it as a question first.

Looks like it's actively being supported here

Re gw6c: Maybe it's a licensing issue. Hexago seems to hold the gw6c

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