audio from mp4

David Fox dfox94085 at
Thu Jun 26 01:52:55 UTC 2008

On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 3:16 PM, Darryl Tidd <darryl.tidd at> wrote:

> I have some videos(mp4) that I would like to make mp3 from, I can't seem
> to find a utility to do so,

To just get the audio from one of those files I would be inclined to
use mplayer with the -dumpaudio option, which can take a description
as to the type of audio you want, and conversions can be done on the
fly, or you can reencode the dumped audio with an mp3 encoder (or
oggenc for ogg).

You could for instance specify -ao pcm for wav format:

You might need to play with the command line options as well.

But try something like this:

mplayer -ao pcm:file=foo.wav test.avi

Then you can add -vc null -vo null if you don't want to wait for the
video to play while you dump the audio.

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