Lets face Ubuntu 8.04

Alan Milnes deep64blue at itguru.org.uk
Mon Jun 23 09:22:14 UTC 2008

Michael "TheZorch" Haney wrote:
> On Windows
> *  Installing software is easy 

On Windows installing software is incredibly difficult. You need to know 
where the package is, e.g. find the CD-Rom that was supplied with your 
printer or hunt all over the internet to find it (hoping you don't 
download a copy with malware by mistake). There is no centralised 
package manager where you can point and click and dependencies are 
managed by you not the system. Try to install a program that requires 
.net framework 2 and if you don't have it it will just fail without 
giving any kind of useful message.

No I am sorry the idea that installing software on Windows is easy is 
just a false rumour spread by Microsoft.


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