Web site design software? Open-source / free?

Jeremy Huntwork jhuntwork at lightcubesolutions.com
Sun Jun 22 22:18:06 UTC 2008

On Jun 22, 2008, at 6:06 PM, Karl Larsen wrote:
>  Well I am giving up on Screem. It will not compile on Ubuntu Hardy
> because the GLIB version is too old! I hate these people who go out  
> and
> get the very latest of common software to make a tar ball.

You can always compile and install a new glib yourself, which is  
fairly easy to do. Of course, this is coming from someone who lives by  
the 'do-it/learn-it/make-it yourself' creed. :-) It's probably a good  
thing that my earlier message didn't go through because I was just  
going to recommend you use 'Vim'.

All my web applications are written in Vim and having used Dreamweaver  
(and others) extensively before, I can honestly say that Vim rocks  
them all.  ;-)

Jeremy Huntwork
LightCube Solutions, LLC
site: http://www.lightcubesolutions.com
blog: http://lightcubesolutions.blogspot.com

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