Users and Groups ID

Smoot Carl-Mitchell smoot at
Sun Jun 22 15:12:49 UTC 2008

On Sun, 2008-06-22 at 16:25 +0200, Francois wrote:

> Now I have to change the ID for user "ken" on the laptop. Is it ok if I run 
> that command  :
> usermod -u 501 ken
> find / -user 1000 - exec chown ken {} \;

> Then : 
> cd /home/ken
> chown -R ken.users *
> chown -R ken.users .*

Looks correct.  Be sure to run this as root.  You can do a:

sudo su -

to get a root shell and then do the above.

Smoot Carl-Mitchell
System/Network Architect
smoot at
+1 480 922 7313
cell: +1 602 421 9005

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