Hug Day - 24 June 2008

Brian Murray brian at
Sat Jun 21 22:49:04 UTC 2008

For the next hug day, on Tuesday, June 24th, we will be doing something
quite different.  We generally focus on moving bugs from the New status
to Incomplete or Confirmed, but on the next hug day we'll work on
helping move bugs from Fix Committed to Fix Released!  We'll do this by
verifying that packages in the hardy-proposed repository fix the bugs
they were designed to and that the package still functions that way it
should.  The list of targeted bugs and tasks is posted at:

Our goal is to have at least two people test every bug in that list.

So on 24 June 2008, in all timezones, we'll be meeting in #ubuntu-bugs
on for a very special Ubuntu Hug Day.

While you are welcome to apply to join the Ubuntu Bug Control team
anytime, Hug Day is a great day to join!

If you're interested in helping to make the Hardy Heron release of
Ubuntu even better - please join us.  And feel free to ask bdmurray,
sbeattie, pedro, heno and the rest of the team for ways to help out.  We
hope to see you there and your name on the list of testers!

Brian Murray                                       
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