Apache2 does not want to leave

galevsky galevsky at gmail.com
Sat Jun 21 18:09:43 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I was trying to get a lighttpd + php5 web server, when I noticed strange
dependencies (namely package libapache2mod-php5... it is nice but I have
nothing to do with apache2).

In the end I got the apache2 package too due to a misunderstanding, and I now
want to remove it. Let's try a sudo apt-get --purge remove apache2... exit
status is OK, package is removed. 
If I do it again, apt-get answers that apache2 is not installed.
Good. But false. I still have the daemon inside /etc/init.d
which starts the server, and apache2 + apache2clt stay still remain in 

I can definitely remove that stuff by hand, but I would like to understand what
I am doing wrong and why I fail doing that with apt...

Any idea ?

Thanks a lot.


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