My Computer has come to a complete stop

James Takac p3nndrag0n at
Fri Jun 20 23:49:46 UTC 2008

Hi cj

On Saturday 21 June 2008 04:24:30 debian wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-06-20 at 14:15 -0400, Steve Brettell wrote:
> > I don't know if this is due to Ubuntu 8.04 or not.  I've been running
> > this program for about a month, with some learning problems, but
> > generally liking the performance until two nights ago.
> >
> > I'm using a Toshiba Satallite Lap top, and the program has been
> > running like gang busters.  Fast, with no glitches at all.
> >
> > Two nights ago, I shut down, and everything went fine.  Later I tried
> > to start up, and the computer wouldn't turn on at all.  It's still in
> > this shape.  Nothing happens when I hit the on switch.  The idiot
> > lights indicate that there is power, and the wireless is responding,
> > but it just doesn't turn on.
> >
> > Could this be a software problem?
> Does it even boot? like can you boot to a cd? If you cant do this, then
> there is something wrong with the laptop itself.
> If its just stuck at the bios screen (or it doesnt even go that far)
> then you need to get a new laptop
> --cj

I've had 2 occasions where I had to reset the cmos memory to be able to boot 
mine. It's rare but seems to happen


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