Media Players - Hardy

Marcin Kasperski Marcin.Kasperski at
Fri Jun 20 11:56:35 UTC 2008

> I am looking for a reliable music player. Right now, all the
> programs (Amarok, RhythmBox, Banshee) seem to work imperfectly on
> this platform. Amarok and banshee freeze all too frequently and
> RhythmBox often just simply doesn't play.

Most likely you have some issues with your low-level sound configuraton,
things like you describe used to happen to me when I had some flash
animation in firefox locking sound card.

If your player freezes or do not play, you can try

   sudo lsof /dev/snd/*

to see which (if any) processess are using your sound devices.

In the long term, getting properly configured pulseaudio is most
likely the best solution.

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