
Michael "TheZorch" Haney thezorch at
Fri Jun 20 07:31:26 UTC 2008

nik gare wrote:
> You probably don't need to compile the madwifi drivers yourself, you 
> just have to make sure that
> linux-restricted-modules for your kernel is installed - here it was 
> installed by default.
Ok, then here is my problem.  In System~>Administration~>Hardware 
Drivers I see 2 listings which were installed and marked as IN USE.  
These are the Support for Atheros Hardware Abstraction Layer and Support 
for Atheros AR5007EG Wireless Adapter, yet I can't find anything that 
will let me CONFIGURE a wireless connection.

Under System~>Administration~>Network only Wired Connection and PPP 
Connection are shown.  I've tried several ways to get this working and 
according to Atheros' own website the MadWifi drivers are for that 
specific adapter.  In fact they were linking to the SourceForge page for 
those driver, which is now I downloaded them.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at
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