[Gutsy 7.10] 2.6.22-15.54 Kernel Updates

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jun 20 03:48:07 UTC 2008

Heads up, if you are on wireless with 3rd party drivers *get to a wired
connection _before_ rebooting after installing todays updates from
2.6.22-14 to 2.6.22-15.54*. The new kernel (generic) does not recognize
your old devices and you have to download and reinstall your 3rd party
drivers from scratch.

Spent most of the hot afternoon troubleshooting a wireless router. Got
it working fine & tested with a Win machine - all ok.

Had some config problems getting a wp2 connection with a Gutsy laptop,
but finally got that sorted out. So I see that there are updates
available... what better way to test the now working wireless connection
than to install new updates? So off I go; the updates get downloaded
(2.6.22-15.54 in particular), get installed, and then the "you must
reboot" notice comes up. Feeling pleased with myself (getting the
wireless working etc, etc) I stupidly click the reboot icon.

Machine reboots to 2.6.22-15.54 (generic) and I notice that the Dynex
PCMCIA wireless adapter isn't lighting up... at all. Check the
System|Administration|Restricted... and find that the Broadcom 3rd party
driver is no longer activated. Click the little box to activate and what
pops up... click to load from a local file, or from the 3rd party url at
www.whatever. Well, I've no clue where the local file might be on this
machine so I click to load from www.whatever, only to realise that in
order to do this I need a working network connection. So I end up taking
the laptop to a wire, downloading the driver again via wired, and then
reboot... all is well again. However, had I not been able to connect via
a wire, I would have been dead in the water following the update reboot.

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