cant ping website

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Wed Jun 18 19:59:40 UTC 2008

2008/6/18 Donny George <donny008 at>:
> I thank and appreciate you for this mail. but i would say the reason why
> ubuntu is catching up among the new generation or the software techies is
> only coz of this kind of mailing lists which helps people like me who are
> newbies. and people like me pass it on to others by the word of mouth that
> theres nothing to worry by installing ubuntu on your system coz theres
> nothing that doesnt have a solution unlike in windows.
> hope these mailing lists help many like me which it is already doing
> regards
> don

Of course, we are all friends and help each other on the list. Just
try to use some proper grammar. Don't forget, you may know English
very well and when you read "coz" you understand what it means. I do
not. I had to ask someone what "coz" means, even if it looks obvious
to you from the context. This is not myspace, please do not contribute
to the lolcatz culture hear.

That said, welcome!

Dotan Cohen

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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