Anti Virus, now Anti Spy-ware

Steve Lamb grey at
Wed Jun 18 18:56:35 UTC 2008

On Wed, June 18, 2008 11:35 am, Nils Kassube wrote:
> Steve Lamb wrote:
>> On Wed, June 18, 2008 10:11 am, Nils Kassube wrote:
>> > While I don't generally disagree with this argument, I think on a
>> > workstation it could be a big problem already if the malware would
>> > "only" access the user area.

>>     But this is hardly an issue compared to having system privileges.

> If you look at it from the admin point of view, you are absolutely right.
> But Ubuntu is often installed on a single user's machine where the
> valuable data are inside the home directory of that user. So the valuable
> part isn't protected from an attack.

    True, but I hardly can think of a situation where one would want to be
protected from one's own data.  It is a trade-off.  Furthermore I
believe most people would attach value to their own personal data no
matter where it resides.  This is one of the few cases where the cost of
protection far outweighs the benefits.  One simply needs to be diligent
about backups and what they run.

    You're right, I am taking they admin point of view because, from a
community perspective, that is the most costly.  Not to be callous but
if you lost your personal data to malicious software but your system is
otherwise uncompromised, tough.  It cost you lots but costs me nothing. 
But your data left alone and system compromised to be a part of a bot
net that's throwing hundreds of spam a day at my mail server that is
costing *me* and many other people time/resources/money while costing
you little.

    Of the two I am more concerned about the global impact.  I'll leave the
local in your hands.  ;)

Steve Lamb

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