is there way to automatically add the VGA=791 in menu.lst file?

Alan Milnes deep64blue at
Wed Jun 18 15:02:15 UTC 2008

Tomoki Taniguchi wrote:
> currently i am having to manually add "vga=791" to the kernel line in
> the menu.lst file
> each time the kernel gets upgraded.
> is there a way to set things up so the vga line is automatically added
> when the menu.lst file gets updated?
Funnily enough if you look at menu.lst "vga=791" is precisely the 
example thye give of how to do this:-

## additional options to use with the default boot option, but not with the
## alternatives
## e.g. defoptions=vga=791 resume=/dev/hda5
# defoptions=

so you would put vga=791 at the end of the last line.

Do not uncomment it - this is a special line telling grub what 
parameters to add.


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