Anti Virus, now Anti Spy-ware

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Wed Jun 18 14:23:10 UTC 2008

James Takac wrote:
> I tend to agree. The reason why windows systems are targeted so much is that
> they are the popular ones. Those wanting to do the crimes are after s many
> potential targets as they can get. If linux was the more popular os the
> chances are it would be the target of choice

I hate hearing's not *the* reason. Once there's a "critical 
mass" number, a zombie net is a zombie net, and it doesn't take too many 
users, even over dialup, to have a massive effect on a DOS of a site or 
sending a steady stream of v1agra ads.

What are the crime statistics of robbing a bank vs. robbing convenience 
stores? Is it because of numbers, or because of how easy the target is 
to achieve your goal? Or is it a mix of factors?

If you want to penetrate a Linux system on the Internet vs. a Windows 
system, how do you do it? There are aspects of the systems that lend 
them selves to being more vulnerable.

This is such an oft-quoted line...Windows is more popular, thus it is 
the reason it is attacked...has anyone actually found *evidence* to 
substantiate this claim?

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