Kernel Question

Jeremy Huntwork jhuntwork at
Wed Jun 18 13:24:32 UTC 2008

On Jun 18, 2008, at 8:45 AM, Paul Melvin wrote:
> 1.       If I compile my own kernel will it ruin anything that  
> ubuntu has done, I have read that ubuntu does some special stuff and  
> I don’t really want to break anything.

It's conceivable that it wouldn't work the same way as a Ubuntu  
provided kernel, but I wouldn't say 'ruin'. You can install your  
custom kernel as just another option in the grub menu and then revert  
to the Ubuntu supplied kernel if you find it doesn't work the way you  

> 2.       How can I find out exactly what my kernel is using (i.e.  
> exactly what it has, whether it is built-in or modules), for example  
> could I use make menconfig.

Yes, you should be able to. You can use the config file found in '/ 
boot/config-$(uname -r)'. Just copy that to a file named .config in  
the kernel source and use make oldconfig and then make menuconfig.

Jeremy Huntwork
LightCube Solutions, LLC
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