Names of Windows partitions

Rick rufus at
Wed Jun 18 13:16:31 UTC 2008

Avi Greenbury wrote:

> Doug Stewart wrote:
>> Why is sda4 so different?
> It is an extended partition.
> In short, you are limited to four logical partitions per volume in 
> general. To get round this, you make one of them an 'extended' 
> partition, which is a partition type that can contain others.
> Also, you might want to clean out under your ? key.
> --
> Avi.
Thanks to all of you for your suggestions. I tried them, and discovered 
cat /proc/partitions gave me the cleanest and easiest to read results. I 
was looking for some more system information, and happened upon System 
-- Administration -- System Monitor in 8.04. I clicked on the File 
Systems tab and lo and behold, the partitions were set out even with the 
Windows partitions' names. In fact the NTFS partition was not included 
so I mounted it from Home, and it too was included in the list. Now off 
to the logon mounting task. Thanks again.


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