Media Players

Richard rick0009 at
Tue Jun 17 23:16:31 UTC 2008

Well, it been along weekend, and I must say my Ubuntu setup, got
beaten by a Windows Vista setup.

Let me explain, when playing  downloaded video from the net or DVD
the video quality and sound quality just knock me over..
"I did try NOT to show any emotional content"

Jerry, was not using Windows Media Player, ( he said it su_ks)
he was using this player call KMplayer for windows (freeware)


I spent all day Monday and Today,
trying to get close to what I saw using that player
so far Totem nor xine, nor mplayer nor vlc can do it.

The funny thing is that we both have the same systems,
expect he got the 30" monitor while I got the 24" HD monitor.

I did see he play some anime, saved in .mkv format and mp4,
saw some .ogm formats too. saw some 1080p trailers played yikes!

This apps, has more adjustments then all three mention above.
Boy, this would be a very nice App for Linux (whish list)

Thought I would throw this out to see, if ANY video guru's out there
can help linux save some face.


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