
Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Tue Jun 17 23:09:02 UTC 2008

xerces8 wrote:
> Bart Silverstrim wrote:
>> Michael "TheZorch" Haney wrote:
>>> Bart Silverstrim wrote:
>>>> And of course there's overhead in your AV's running, since they look at 
>>>> all execution of files, along with the scheduled checks.
>>> I did some research and found that Avast has the lowest impact on your 
>>> system resources.  
>> It's still there, though.
>> I'm not a gamer user, I'm not a performance nut, but I do find it 
>> irritating in principal (principle? Too lazy to look it up at the 
>> moment) to be coerced into running something that impacts my system's 
>> memory and CPU usage just because the OS is crap.
> So, you are running uCLinux ? After all, you wouldn't want to be
> coerced into losing performace (due to MMU) just because the OS
> is "crap" ?

My microwave is. My toaster died not long ago and the replacement isn't 

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