Bart Silverstrim
bsilver at
Tue Jun 17 20:19:34 UTC 2008
Ed Greshko wrote:
> Bart Silverstrim wrote:
>> Ed Greshko wrote:
>>> Jonathan Dlouhy wrote:
>>>> Ed, have you ever run across a virus? In fact I'd be interested to hear
>>>> if anyone has ever had a virus in Linux. I've run Linux for about 15
>>>> years and can't say I've ever had a virus. I've got a Mac with OS X and
>>>> have never had a virus with it either. Windows? Completely different
>>>> story...
>>> I have never run across a virus whose target was Linux. I have gotten
>>> emails containing virus whose targets were windows and, like I said, my
>>> anti-virus caught those and killed them. Had I not been running an
>>> anti-virus I could have passed it on in the attachment and been part of the
>>> problem...not the solution.
>> Can you describe what these virus emails were that you'd have wanted to
>> forward them to someone you knew?
> Sure....
> I was working as an independent consultant for a large multi-national
> company based in the UK. One of their contacts was based in Mumbai and they
> sent an Excel Spreadsheet that contained a virus.
> Since I run Linux and use OpenOffice I would not have seen and would not
> have cared about their infected attachement in my environment. Yet,
> normally I would have simply passed the attachment on to others.
> Now, since my anti-virus was able to detect and eliminate the virus I did
> not pass it on.
Legit case there, definitely.
Although does OO.o not disable macros if you altered the spreadsheet
before re-sending it for compatibility reasons?
>> All the ones I had run across were from suspicious senders, with
>> attachments that had suspect names to them (.jpg.exe?), and the text
>> with them were just generic and ill-spelled and out of character for the
>> sender, if the sender was even a (spoofed) name I knew.
> One should never assume that their interactions are the same as every ones
> else's.
I didn't assume it or I wouldn't have asked you about your situation. I
also interact with a number of others in technology and we tended to
have similar experiences.
Hence, why I asked for your case for clarification.
>> Just curious what you were seeing that you'd have passed it on if not
>> for your AV.
> Have I helped you to understand?
I just said above that it was a legit case you're citing...should we
start creating a shorthand for tone so as to keep from misinterpretation
of intentions, or should we just start flaming each other now?
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