Jonathan Hirschman jonathan at
Tue Jun 17 17:32:37 UTC 2008

Michael Falkenburg wrote:
> Here's the puzzle:
> I have backup disks from a former XP box created using Nero. I'm pretty 
> sure that there are some files (mostly OpenOffice ) on there that my 
> wife needs.
> I would like to Restore what there is on the disks, but I'm not sure how 
> to go about it...
Just for fun: have you tried putting any of the disks into the optical 
drive of your Ubuntu machine? If so, what's on them? Can your Ubuntu 
machine read them at all?  How about giving us a file listing, or part 
of one?

> Do I need to install Nero (and how would I do that?), or is there an 
> Ubuntu way to do this without trying to install Nero?
While there is a Linux version of Nero, it definitely does not have the 
same feature set as Windows Nero. I'd suggest that you do some Googling, 
or better yet, send some email to Ahead Software - and let us all know 
what the reply is. I'm sure that I'm not the only one that's curious.


> Thanks in advance for your help!
> Michaelf

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