ldap installation trouble

Donny George donny008 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 17 13:49:42 UTC 2008


i was trying to install the ldap on ubuntu 8.04 and i followed a web page
with http://www.debuntu.org/ldap-server-and-linux-ldap-clients

 apt-get install slapd ldap-utils migrationtools
dpkg-reconfigure slapd
then configured it

the dns name was given as mml.uni-freiburg.de
and did ldap search with ldapsearch -x -b dc=mml,dc=uni (have i done the
right thing?)

then i tried to populate the database and edited the
migrate_slapd.conf.plfile and replaced
*migrate_common.ph with *DEFAULT_MAIL_DOMAIN = "mml.uni-freiburg.de";
$DEFAULT_BASE = "dc=mml,dc=uni";

and then created ~/people_group.ldif file

and finally wen i try to import to the database

ldapadd -x -W -D "cn=admin,dc=mml,dc=uni" -f ~/people_group.ldif

it returns invalid credentials (49)

kindly help

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