
Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at
Tue Jun 17 02:34:22 UTC 2008

Jonathan Dlouhy wrote:
> Ed, have you ever run across a virus? In fact I'd be interested to hear 
> if anyone has ever had a virus in Linux. I've run Linux for about 15 
> years and can't say I've ever had a virus. I've got a Mac with OS X and 
> have never had a virus with it either. Windows? Completely different 
> story...

I have never run across a virus whose target was Linux.  I have gotten 
emails containing virus whose targets were windows and, like I said, my 
anti-virus caught those and killed them.  Had I not been running an 
anti-virus I could have passed it on in the attachment and been part of the 
problem...not the solution.

So, even though the chances of seeing a virus with a Linux target it is the 
neighborly thing to do to run anti-virus to protect those less fortunate 
than oneself.

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