Inspiron 1525

Pastor JW pastor_jw at
Mon Jun 16 17:45:27 UTC 2008

On Monday 16 June 2008 12:42:18 am norman wrote:
> I intend to buy a Dell Inspiron 1525 and to run it as a dual boot with
> Win XP and Ubuntu 8.04. Could some kind person please confirm that this
> machine will run with Ubuntu 8.04 as well as it does with 7.10?

I have the 1525n which is the factory installed Ubuntu on the laptop.  I admit 
I didn't run 7.10 long enough to form an opinion of it as the update came out 
four days after I received my machine and I couldn't help myself, ...I 
touched the button and the laptop did a full wireless webbased update to 
8.04!  I also had used KDE on other machines before so the day after I 
received the laptop I enabled that for myself.  I am very happy with the 
laptop and with 8.04!  Pre-installed comes with LinDVD which is very handy 
here, the built in webcam works, Skype works great with the camera and 
built-in mike, the dual headset jacks in front give me the ability to jack 
the sound into the church soundboads systems as well as monitor out 
connecting to the projector for big screen visual aid displays for my 
sermons!   Very pleased with the laptop.  I don't know how it works with 
windoze as it is not uesd here for anything.  Should work but you will have 
to ask someone else. 

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276

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