(Gnome) Keyboard shortcut to switch to workspace 3/4 - is it possible?

Marcin Kasperski Marcin.Kasperski at softax.com.pl
Mon Jun 16 16:32:55 UTC 2008

Just a short note: I faced exactly the problem you described.

gconf-editor showed (Apps > Metacity > general > num_workspaces) 2,
when I changed it to 4, keyboard shortcuts editor allowed me to set
shortcuts to jump to workspace 3 and 4.

(I added new workspaces using right-click Preferences on workspace

Thanks for resolving my issue.

Note: I have some hypothesis about the nature of the bug: I am using
compiz (= I have advanced desktop effects enabled), so I do not run
metacity at all. So most likely the switcher updated some compiz
settings, not metacity settings....

Funny thing is that the in compiz settings those manifest as
compiz.general.screen0.options.hsize = 4 and
compiz.general.screen0.options.vsize = 1, 
there is something called compiz.general.screen0.options.number_of_desktops
but it shows 1....

So, to summarize, IMO the bug is in keyboard bindings editor, which
incorrectly assume that metacity is in use.

| Marcin Kasperski   |    (...) the only completion criterion for
| http://mekk.waw.pl | the Analysis and Design phases is - the date.
|                    |                    (Martin)

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