[Solved] WLAN Driver for NEC Versa S3300 (Nils Kassube)

Achmad Dahlan achmad.dahlan at gmail.com
Mon Jun 16 12:37:30 UTC 2008

Dear Nils and everybody,
First I would like to express my gratitude thanks to Nils and you all who
have help me to solve my WLAN problem,
It is now solve by updating the driver or what I don't know exactly what
happened. I just follow the link he gave to me below:

Special Thanks to nils, I do apologize due to sent you  email personally, to
be honest I just didn't want to burden my friend in this community with my
stupid questions. You are right that it is better to share it here so
everyone can get advantages from the sharing and advices.

Best Regard From Indonesia,
Achmad Dahlan
Balikpapan - East Borneo

On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 1:47 AM, Nils Kassube <kassube at gmx.net> wrote:

> On Sonntag, 15. Juni 2008, you wrote:
> >    1. The warning i sent to you in my previous email was from:
> >    System-->administration-->hardware drivers
> OK, I see - as I don't use the hardware driver option, I didn't know where
> it came from.
> >    2. I have installed, and in the hardware driver shows:
> >
> > Device driver Atheros Hardware Access Layer (HAL)-->Enabled --> Status:
> > In use
> > Support for Atheros 802.11 wireless LAN Cards--> Enabled--> status: In
> > use
> >
> > After do re-check of the type of WLAN hardware: AtherosAR5BXB63 -->
> > comply with IDA standard DB100811
> Now, AR5BXB63 is something to find some information, much better than the
> name you provided earlier.
> After digging a bit, I found that there seems to be a problem with this
> card. It is recognized by the madwifi driver but it doesn't work anyway.
> Here is an article which describes how to make it work by compiling the
> driver on your own:
> <
> http://brunoabinader.blogspot.com/2008/05/atheros-ar5bxb63-on-ubuntu-hardy-heron.html
> >
> However, I'm not sure this is easy for someone new to Linux. The
> instructions seem to be reasonable, though.
> > (I am so sorry if my information is far from your expectation that was
> > because I am a new comer in Linux)
> Oh, that's never a problem - for someone new to Linux it isn't always
> easy to know which information is needed.
> > dahlan at Dahlan:~$ sudo modprobe ath_pci
> > dahlan at Dahlan:~$ ifconfig ath0
> > ath0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
> Yes, that more or less confirms that the card isn't supported with the
> version of the madwifi driver coming with Ubuntu 8.04.
> > dahlan at Dahlan:~$ ispci
> Now, there is a typo of yours, that's why it can't find the command: it
> should be "lspci" not "ispci". Anyway, it isn't needed any more because
> you provided the card name already.
> Finally: did you intend to send your mail directly to me? There is nothing
> wrong with that, but for some reason it went in the spam folder at my
> provider. As I don't check that folder regularly, there is a delay of a
> few days until I see that mail. It would have been better to send it to
> the mailing list for three reasons (apart from the delay):
> - Someone else might have a better solution for your problem.
> - If my suggestion is worng, someone might correct it.
> - Others might have the same problem in the future and see the result when
> researching the problem.
> Nils
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