Webcam on EeePC 900

Gilles Gravier gilles at
Mon Jun 16 09:00:18 UTC 2008


I DO NOT have the webcam module from Xandros ANYMORE... Just running the 
official Ubuntu bits.

Actually, the Xandros module fails to load on Ubuntu (incorrect format 
or something like that).

I did install the stuff in 
(pointed to me by Harry L. Lee on this list earlier). No idea if that 
has an impact.

The camera isn't very sensitive. Make sure you have plenty of light.


Marius Gedminas wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 01:07:15PM +0200, Gilles Gravier wrote:
>> OK... So this is the followup on my trials with Ubuntu on the EeePC 900.
>> I couldn't get my bloody webcam to work. I tried everything. I even 
>> wiped Ubuntu, re-installed Xandros, bitched about the ton of oudtated 
>> apps (OOo 2.04, Skype 2.0 beta, and so on), stupid keyboard maps that 
>> aren't properly set... and no easy way to set them. Oh well. Then I 
>> copied the whole Xandros distro to a file server so that I could get 
>> access to the files after. Then I reinstalled Eee Ubuntu, then I copied 
>> the kernel module for the webcam from Xandros to Ubuntu.
>> Nothing worked. I was about to call it a night (midnight, actually) when 
>> I had an idea. Believe me, a ballsy, but stupid one. I rebooted, went to 
>> BIOS, and ENABLED that stupid camera from the BIOS...
>> Whaddayanow... It's a very VERY standard USB-VC webcam... which means 
>> that Ubuntu, once I rebooted, AUTOMATICALLY recognized it and worked 
>> with it...
> Good for you.  I've just installed Ubuntu Eee on my Eee PC 900, but the
> webcam doesn't work.  It's enabled in the BIOS, apps see it, the green
> light turns on -- but then the app never gets an image.
> Perhaps I should also copy the webcam module from Xandros.  Or perhaps
> software suspend breaks it.
> Marius Gedminas

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