Overheating Laptop

Pastor JW pastor_jw at the-inner-circle.org
Sat Jun 14 16:10:07 UTC 2008

On Saturday 14 June 2008 08:08:55 am Keith Clark wrote:
> This is driving me crazy!!!!!
> I have a Compaq R4000 laptop and it continually crashes due to
> overheating.  If I do anything more than check my email, it is too much
> for it and it shuts down.  Rebooting takes 30 minutes after that.
> Under Windows I never had one issue with heat, so it must be a driver
> problem somewhere.
> Any ideas, or is it back to Windows for this laptop?

I don't understand this question as Windoze doesn't run any cooler.  In fact 
it seems to raise the user's personal temperature!  It sure makes his 
language different!  I'd suspect rather that your cooling fan for the laptop 
has given up for some reason or the inlet and/or outlet is blocked.   I have 
seen where people who wear clothing and use their laptops on their laps fill 
their machines up with lint!  You could also run "system monitor" and find 
out which process is using the most cpu time.       

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276

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