Install failure, /dev/disk/by-uuid/8**** does not exist.

Alan_Dacey at Alan_Dacey at
Fri Jun 13 19:09:07 UTC 2008

>Message: 3
>Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2008 18:23:36 +0000 (UTC)
>From: Aart Koelewijn <aart at>
>Subject: Install failure,  /dev/disk/by-uuid/8**** does not exist.
>To: ubuntu-users at
>Message-ID: <g2udv8$84t$3 at>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>I had an old computer runnig 7.10 quite nicely.
>I upgraded it to 8.04, but when I had to reboot it, it failed me, nothing 

>happened anymore, a hardware (motherboard?) failure, I suppose.
>Now with bits and parts of this computer and an other old computer, about 

>the same age, both Pentium III I build something which I think should 
>I tried the live 8.04 cd, which worked nicely, so I proceded to install. 
>All seemed to go well, but at the end the install procedure broke off and 

>when I tried to boot from hard-disk I got "GRUB loading stage 1.5.  Error 

>15". In the /boot directory there is no grub subdirectory. The last 50 
>lines of /var/log/syslog are below, but what took my attention was the 
>Jun 13 13:21:00 ubuntu migration-assistant: error: /dev/disk/by-
>uuid/8eddddba-dc57-4771-b1bf-015323dade22 does not exist.


>Jun 13 13:21:18 ubuntu ubiquity[9590]:
>Jun 13 13:21:18 ubuntu ubiquity[9590]:   File 
"/usr/share/ubiquity/", line 405, in run
>Jun 13 13:21:18 ubuntu ubiquity[9590]:     self.configure_ma()
>Jun 13 13:21:18 ubuntu ubiquity[9590]:   File 
"/usr/share/ubiquity/", line 1101, in configure_ma
>Jun 13 13:21:18 ubuntu ubiquity[9590]:     raise 
InstallStepError("MigrationAssistantApply failed with code %d" % ret)
>Jun 13 13:21:18 ubuntu ubiquity[9590]: InstallStepError: 
MigrationAssistantApply failed with code 2
>Jun 13 13:21:18 ubuntu ubiquity[9590]: 
>Jun 13 13:21:18 ubuntu last message repeated 2 times
>Jun 13 13:41:53 ubuntu -- MARK --

I have to ask the how-did-I-ever-miss-that questions.  Did you set up your 
master and 
slave drives on the correct connector on the IDE ribbon?  Did you set the 
jumper pins 
on the hard drives for a master & slave also?

Alan Dacey
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