.mov thru Mplayer choppy

Clifford Haynes chaynes33 at embarqmail.com
Thu Jun 12 21:05:17 UTC 2008

Brian McKee wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 2:24 PM, Wade Smart <wadesmart at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 20080612 1312 GMT-6
>> I made some video recordings this morning for a client on my little Aiptek
>> camcorder. Its recording HD 720P. When I open the video up with MPlayer I can
>> view the video but its just a bit choppy.
> If it's choppy in Windows too, then my guess is it's the camera, not
> MPlayer.... or at the very least your hardware.
> For kicks you could try VLC or Totem - they both use different back
> ends than Mplayer.  Or try a different (more powerful) PC.
> Or did I miss your question?  It wasn't clear...
> Brian
For what it is worth
I had the same problem (different file format) when I tried to play back 
on an older, slower machine.  Faster computer solved the problem until I 
tried to load other program, then was right back where I started from.  
The sound was OK, but pix was choppy/"pixelated".
Hope this helps

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