How to be helpful

Gilles Gravier gilles at
Thu Jun 12 19:13:36 UTC 2008

I'm French. "menu" is something I look at while imagining the great meal 
I'm about to have. :D


Jeffrey Tooker wrote:
> Alan Milnes wrote:
>> Gilles Gravier wrote:
>>> Teaching by example is a VERY (if not THE MOST) efficient way to teach.
>> Absolutely - that's why most man pages are useless if you don't know how 
>> to run the basic command.  Once you've got the hang of
>> /usr/sbin/flibbler then the man pages can be very helpful but very few of them will help you if you are really struggling to get the basic command going.
>> Alan
> Alan:
> It is a language problem. As a newbie it is one of the reasons I stay on 
> this list. As I read various postings the "language" and structure 
> starts to make sense. Even the definitions common words are different. 
> Take menu as an example.
> Jeffrey

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