Forget Hardy

H.S. hs.samix at
Thu Jun 12 18:41:41 UTC 2008

Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-06-11 at 10:57 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:
>> If you posted with a subject of "pls hlp", or "HELP", probably with
>> lots of exclamations, you probably never got a response (likely,
>> nobody even read your post).
> Just a short point that I 'd like to make to an otherwise great post:
> I don't even think this is true. Rarely do such messages go unanswered.
> I just searched the archive back to April, and most of the "HELP HELP
> HELP", "need help!!!", etc. subjects have lots of answers, with just 3
> exception that I could find by a quick scan.

I think that is people being very polite. Tell me, how many letters have 
you seen where the Sub: was something like "Sub: help!"?

Be definition, a subject like is supposed to give the subject of the 
post (duh!), and it is common sense and extremely worthwhile to give a 
succinct phrase or a group of words there.

It helps everyone, the poster and well as the ones who reply.

So the counter examples you gave should not be taken as an excuse that 
abusing the subject field this way is okay.

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