Hardy is in
Felipe Figueiredo
philsf79 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 12 13:33:20 UTC 2008
On Wednesday 11 June 2008 20:50:31 Steve Lamb wrote:
> On Wed, June 11, 2008 4:44 pm, Karl Larsen wrote:
> > I have Hardy d/l and will see how it loads later. From all the problems
> > seen so far I have reason to wonder if it will work.
> Your pessimism is astounding. So far I have installed Hardy 3 times.
> One was an update that apparently I botched. I reinstalled and it
> worked fine; in fact the installation impressed me. Recently I
> installed it on my laptop *which is below the minimum specs for
> installation* and it worked fine.
> Thing is of those three installs I only posted about two. One of which
> was a response to the other. So if you took my posted experience you'd
> have a a 50% failure rate when in fact it is closer to 33% with that 33%
> most likely my fault. Tell me, how many other successes haven't been
> posted about it since there's no need to come here to say, "Ayup, it
> done worked, YEEEEE HAW!" Sheesh.
+1. I have a Hardy upgrade from Gutsy, and a fresh install. The upgrade broke
because the upgrade path of the package plucker was broken. I reported it,
they fixed it, and the fix is already in hardy-updates. Note this package is
in universe, so this never happens on Gutsy default installs.
The fresh isntallation, as expected, went smooth.
Has this thread enough success stories for you, Karl?
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